Discord Bot

The TrueTrim.rs Discord Bot is available in the Achievement Help Discord server and performs a few functions. It ensures the #true-trim-list channel remains current by automatically updating it with the latest requirement changes from TrueTrim.rs. Additionally, it offers a selection of commands including lookup and wsid for enhanced user experience.

More commands are planned for the future, so stay tuned!

  • /ttrs signup Create a new TrueTrim.rs account
  • /ttrs login Sign in to your TrueTrim.rs account
  • /ttrs password Set a new password for your TrueTrim.rs account
  • /ttrs lists List the most popular public lists available on TrueTrim.rs
  • /ttrs link Link your Discord account to your TrueTrim.rs account
  • /ttrs unlink Unlink your Discord account from your TrueTrim.rs account
  • /ttrs lookup Show your or another user's true trim progress
  • /ttrs wsid What should I do? Gives you a random requirement that you have not yet completed
  • /ttrs info Show more detailed information about a requirement, if available
  • /ttrs recent List recently added, changed or removed requirements